
  • 尽早了解你的课程要求. 一旦你注册了一个课程,在Canvas上搜索教学大纲和模块. Get to know your class schedule for the semester and know when deadlines are coming.
  • 创造一个学习空间来消除干扰. 不是每个人都有专门的地方学习, 但你必须创造一个能让你集中精力的空间. 无论是折叠桌, 厨房的桌子, 或者在你房间里放把舒服的椅子, focus on creating an environment where you feel comfortable to study and succeed and maintain that space throughout the semester.
  • 实行良好的时间管理. A lot of 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校学生s have jobs, internships, and families that require their time each week. Creating a schedule and holding yourself accountable to spend allocated time on coursework will help learning remain a priority.
  • 得到帮助. 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校提供各种学生服务,如辅导, 补充说明, 和建议, 因此,利用这些办公室,并寻求帮助,任何个人问题. 电子邮件在线学生成功服务 了解更多信息.
  • 找到自己的学习方式. Do you learn better rewriting your notes multiple times or reading passages from your textbook? Knowing your learning style and using effective methods of studying related to your study style is the best way to learn.


为了在你的在线课程中取得成功, it is recommended that you have the following computer and digital information literacy skills:

  • 使用Canvas学习管理系统. Being able to navigate Canvas is essential, since all your classes will be taught within Canvas. 一定要 完成Canvas学员培训 上课前.
  • 发送带有附件的电子邮件. 你可能需要经常给教授和同学发邮件, 所以确保你知道怎么做是很重要的. 记住附件的大小,附件的类型(word文档vs . word文档) .PDF vs图片),以及你的受众是谁. Know when to carbon copy (Cc) versus blind  carbon copy (Bcc) other people in your email.
  • 以常用的文字处理程序格式创建并提交文件. 文字处理程序帮助您创建、编辑和打印文档. There are a few different types of programs depending on your operating system. 例子包括:Microsoft Word, 谷歌文档、AppleWorks和 Apache 开放Office.
  • 使用电子表格程序. 你的专业将决定你使用电子表格的频率, 但在某种程度上, 你需要知道如何使用它们. Excel是一个令人难以置信的强大工具,可以从数据中获取意义, but it also works really well for simple calculations and tracking almost any kind of information. 查看本教程以了解如何开始.
  • 使用演示和图形程序. Presentation and graphics programs allow you to convey a message by using visually appealing graphs, 图表, 和图片. 例子包括PowerPoint、Prezi、Google Slides和Keynote. 本教程将 教你如何使用ppt,但请访问您的 所有密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的学生都可以在领英学习上免费注册 了解其他类型的程序.


  • 如果你落后了,不要让它滚雪球. 联系你的教练或 网上学生成功服务 immediately to catch up – they are there to help you determine how to get back on track.
  • 每天登录. 不要让自己有这样的想法:“我以后总能赶上进度。.“要勤奋,跟上时代.
  • 保持你的时间表 即使你在网络课程中有更多的灵活性.
  • 早作准备. 在你的在线课程开始之前, 阅读教学大纲, 查看日程安排, 并在画布中练习导航. 所有课程在开学前两天都可以上课.
  • 整合个人和 课程日历. 在你的主日历上制定一个优先待办事项清单. This will help you see the “big picture” of all your academic due dates integrated with your family and work responsibilities. If you see in advance that a particular week is chock full of responsibilities, plan to complete your academic work ahead of time so you can meet your course deadlines.
  • 使用内置工具. 分级的课程项目,如考试, 作业, 评分讨论会自动添加到 画布上的日历. 你甚至可以导入 课程日历 添加到外部日历中,比如Google 日历.
  • 利用你的 每日课程活动流. 添加的物品 你的待办事项列表; see due date reminders and other notifications in your calendar or dashboard view; check your course announcements, 讨论, and conversations; and 在我的成绩中查看您的最新成绩.
  • 正确地开始新的一周. 在每周开始之前, 复习下周要交的所有课程活动和作业. If you have 问题, ask them early in the week so that you can still complete the work on time.
  • 预见技术困难. 保留密歇根州立大学丹佛分校的服务台电话号码(303-352-7548)和 网站网址 准备好了. Since you can access your Canvas course from any internet-connected computer or device, 电脑出问题通常不是迟到的好借口. Have an alternate method for getting work done, such as using a computer lab or a friend’s laptop.


  • 时间管理是关键. Use good time management and planning skills so that you don’t leave your academic work to the last minute.
  • 创造一个缓冲. 经常, it’s not a matter of “if” items of a personal nature will infringe on your academic work, 而是“何时”会发生. Plan ahead and leave yourself a cushion of time each week so that you can complete your weekly coursework even if personal emergencies arise.
  • 设定目标. Develop long-term and short-term academic goals, with timeframes, for completing your college work. 无论你的目标是完成学位, 一个证书, 或者参加一些个人或职业发展的课程, plan the time it will take to meet your goal while handling your other responsibilities. 不要报名参加超出你能力范围的课程.


  • 与你的教练沟通. 如果你发现你在处理学习上的障碍, 尽快联系你的教授,让他们知道你的情况. 即使没有遇到问题,也要保持良好的沟通.
  • 参加虚拟办公时间. 你对你的教授了解得越多,你们的关系就会越好. 利用这段时间讨论与课程相关的具体问题.
  • 充分利用网上讨论. The discussion board is the best place for you to interact with your classmates, 所以花点时间发表深思熟虑的回复吧, 问题, 或评论. You will have the most success if you participate in the online 讨论 regularly.
  • 在课堂上分享你的相机和麦克风. 如果你带着相机和麦克风,上课会更有吸引力 during class to help you pay attention. Be aware and respectful of your professor and classmates by being aware of your surroundings when you are attending class and following your instructors’ preferences related to cameras and microphones.
  • 经常检查电子邮件、画布和团队.
    • 电子邮件/帆布每天至少检查一次你的电子邮件和画布. 当你查看邮件的时候, reply the best you can – even with a “I will get back to you at X time” if you are  too busy to respond in the moment. 如果你有问题,给你的教授发邮件.
    • 团队: Look through any 团队 general posts you might have missed and reply to any  @ or direct messages. 决定什么时候是用回应来回复,什么时候是书面回复. 如果需要3-4条信息才能传达你的观点,那就安排一个时间来交谈.


你以前可能学过一些在线课程, 你也可能有某种形式的电子通信的经验, but an online course is a newer way of learning and has its own unique form of social interaction. This guide is intended to be an overview of the customary practices for interaction in this new environment.

  • 留心你的教授和同龄人. 参加在线课程意味着你仍然处于专业环境中, 不管你身在何处. 如果你带着相机和麦克风,上课会更有吸引力, but remember that your fellow students and professors are real people and can be affected by your actions in an online class the same way they would be in person. 记住别人的感受和意见是很重要的, 即使它们与你自己的不同.
  • 注意强烈的语言,所有的大写和感叹号. Tone and facial queues are not present in virtual communication and your written message can be misunderstood. Being aware of how your message is written can go a long way in ensuring that your audience fully understands your intention with your message.
  • 在适当的时候使用幽默和讽刺. An online class can be just as enjoyable as being on-campus so it’s important to let your personality shine through. 许多教授用幽默来使课堂更有趣, 但这一信息在网络环境中也可能被误解. 确保你的听众知道你在开玩笑. Emojis can be helpful when conveying humor or sarcasm within a discussion boards or a class chat, 但在回答问题时,先了解一下整个房间的情况总是一个好主意. 尽管表情符号是快速表达观点的好方法, 它们不应用于学术论文或研究.
  • 语法和拼写很重要. Your written communication should be professional and reflect the virtual learning environment. 因为在线课程是在教育环境中, it’s always a good idea to follow the lead on the level of formality and professionalism from your professor. 一般来说,在在线课堂上发短信是不合适的.
  • 一定要注明出处. 就像任何学术论文一样,如果你引用了其他来源,请引用它. 即使你没有逐字引用参考文献, 重要的是要表明,并不是你发布的所有想法都是你自己的. 这在讨论版和研究论文中同样重要.
  • 分享合适的材料. All posted content in a virtual classroom is content intended for education and should reflect the professional tone of any classroom. 不要发布不合适的内容.


帆布社区 学生导游

Fetzner, M. (2013). 不成功的在线学生想让皇冠官网网站知道什么? 1月17日(1),13-27.

罗珀,. (2007). 学生如何培养在线学习技能. Educause季度. Nov (2007), 62-65.



阿尔比恩,(2015). The Core Rules of Netiquette — Excerpted from Netiquette by Virginia Shea — Albion.com. 检索于2020年6月1日,来源:http://www.阿尔比恩.com/netiquette/corerules.html

康纳,P., (2015). 网络礼仪:在线讨论的基本规则. 检索于2020年6月1日,来源:http://tilt.colostate.edu/TipsAndGuides/Tip/128

麦迪逊学院,(2015). 在线礼仪指南|麦迪逊地区技术学院. 检索于2020年6月1日,来源:http://madisoncollege.edu/online-etiquette.